If you know the mystery tool or you have a mystery tool you would like to have identified, email Letoolman@hotmail.com Due to the thousands of emails that we get to identify tools, we are sorry to say that we only have time to reply to 10% of them. |
Mystery Tool #1 is a leather cutter slitting plough gauge with brass roller & ferrule. |
Mystery Tool #2, is a J. Bryce's hand crank, clamp on, table top spinning wheel, it was patented in Sept. 24, 1872 |
Mystery Tool #3, Made by Star Tool Co. Its for adjusting and replacing Model T Ford transmission bands.
Mystery Tool #4, it is an "EVER READY" Tenoning Machine, patent Oct.17, 1911 by Samuel N. House of St. Louis, Missouri . |
Mystery Tool #5, help us identify this tool ? The grapple holder slides up & down and turns around the pipe. |
Mystery Tool #6, Clothes tree rotator made of cast iron. It's shaped like a cross joined to a circular central axis. The four cross pieces have a hollow top and end pieces. It was through the hollow end that the square wooden poles of the clothes tree were inserted. It's about 13" tall and 13" in diameter with 2" square openings. |
Mystery Tool #7, help us identify this tool ? |
Mystery Tool #8, help us identify this tool?
There is no writing or print anywhere. There is a spirit level on top. |
-The round knob on top will loosen to allow a tiny rule to slide completely out. It looks like a little T-Square about 3.5 inches long |
-There is a lever of some type on the back that will rotate up and over the spirit level and it also slides to and fro. When the rule is completely slid into place, it rest about 1/16th” above the tabletop. It is NOT flush with the bottom. |
Mystery Tool #9, help us identify this tool ? This saw was found in an old tobacco barn in North Carolina it had a brass tag or plate on it at one time that had W N and then the rest couldn't be seen because of a big dent in the center of the plate. The plate is no longer there it has fallen off. |

Mystery Tools #10, help us identify this tool? |
It has a 1/2" x 2 1/2" x 2 1/4" deep opening and the lever pushes the piece out. |
It is an antique ICYPI rectangle ice cream sandwich scoop. |
The only marking says PAT'D MAY 15 91.
Mystery Tool #13, help us identify this tool ? |
The owner thought it might’ve been a hide puller of some sort. |
Mystery Tool #14, It is the top of a WW2 Era Signal Corps Lance Pole, used for running telephone wire temporarily.

Mystery Tool #15, |

It's a steam engine boiler tube cleaner scraper. |

Mystery Tool #16, |

This tool is a nutcracker e.g for hazelnuts. |

Mystery Tool #17, It is a carpet stretcher. |

It measures 8 1/2" x 1", patent Jan. 9, 1906 |

Patent #US809545 |

Mystery Tool #18, help us identify this tool ? |

It’s made by Denver Fire Clay Co. 25 RD. stamped on it. I think it has something to do with mining or clay work. This company was located in Denver, Co. in the 1880’s into the early 1900’s. |

Mystery Tool #19, help us identify this tool ? |

Mystery Tool #20, identify the maker of this scraper ? |

The overall length is about 6 1/2 inches/160mm, the bottom is 95 x 35 mm |

Brass scraper plane, unknown maker? |
Mystery Tool #21, It is a picture frame shoot board mitre plane, made in N.H. by James Hall around 1885.
The "Blades" (3-3/8" wide and 6-1/4" to 7- 1/4" length, tapered) have the Buck Brothers Logo with "Buck Brothers Warranted BD Cast Steel" Stamped on them.?? The Plane is 4" wide x 27-1/2" Long and weighs about 20.6 Lbs.?? Along the Left side (Guessing wood handle is the Right side) is some sort of guide Groove along the lower length of the base. |

Mystery Tool #22, |

It's an antique heavy iron pool table rail bolt wrench. |

Mystery Tool #23, it is a form wire "Tite-Twister" M.E. Saunier & Co. Made in Bay City, Michigan. |

https://patents.google.com/patent/US1654704 1924 patent |

https://tsdrapi.uspto.gov/ts/cd/casedocs/bundle.pdf?rn=208383&category=RC 1926 Tite twister trademark |

Mystery Tool #24, help us identify this tool ? |

Mystery Tool #25, |

It is a rim wrench for the airless solid tires from the 1920s. The main clamp will hook over the tire, while the smaller cross clamp will grab the rim of the wheel. |

Mystery Tool #26 help identify this tool ? |

15" Powerflo, Made in Chicago, USA |

Mystery Tool #27 help identify this tool ? |